Take Stock Connect Study Abroad 1. Jonathan’s Experience in Holland USA2Holland_Jonathan's Experience in Holland from Take Stock in Children 2. Jonathan’s Experience in Europe USA2Holland_Jonathan's Experience in Europe from Take Stock in Children 3. Jonathan’s Internship and Securing an internship USA2Holland_Jonathan's internship and securing an internship from Take Stock in Children 4. Requirements and Application Process USA2Holland_Requirements and Application Process from Take Stock in Children 5. Stipend and housing USA2Holland_the stipend and housing from Take Stock in Children 6. Summer Opportunity vs Career Opportunity USA2Holland_About USA2Holland, Summer opportunity vs Career opportunity from Take Stock in Children 7. Jonathan’s Advice TSIC Scholar USA2Holland_Jonathan's advice from Take Stock in Children 8. The Difference between Holland and the Netherlands SIS - September Week 4 - Home Away From Home from Take Stock in Children 8. Home Away From Home - Freshman Kit: Food Edition USA2Holland_the Difference between Holland and the Netherlands from Take Stock in Children 9. The Netherlands Geography USA2Holland_the Netherlands geography from Take Stock in Children 10. The Visa Process USA2Holland_the visa process from Take Stock in Children 11. Then vs Now USA2Holland_Then vs Now - Jonathan's advice from Take Stock in Children 12. Traveling to the Netherlands USA2Holland_travel from Take Stock in Children 13. Why Did you Apply? Jonathan’s Experience USA2Holland_Why did you apply - Jonathan's experience from Take Stock in Children Contact Take Stock in College & Career Email: connect@tsic.org Book a Virtual Coaching Session Follow us on Instagram Follow Us