Social Involvement in College

Your college experience can be greatly enhanced by making an effort to participate in student life and your college community. Getting involved can take many different forms. Some examples include working at a nearby social service organization, doing research with a faculty member, and joining a registered student organization, fraternity, or sorority. It doesn’t matter how you participate—what matters is that you do! 

Benefits of Involvement 

  • Facilitates the transition from high school to college. 
  • Assists in forming friendships with others who share similar interests. People who are like you in terms of values, aspirations, and hobbies are out there! 
  • As a result of your involvement, you can gain knowledge, skills, and experiences that will serve you well now and into the future. Social involvement will improve your leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills. You will learn more about team dynamics and management, budgeting and finance, presentations, public speaking, and much more! Growing your skills reinforces your own interests and ideas, which leads to great self-satisfaction and feelings of purpose. 

Check out these tips on how to find the right organizations for you! 

  1. Follow campus organizations on social media. 

Most student organizations use social media to promote their annual events and activities. These organizations want you to get involved, so they’re pretty quick to give you a like and a follow back.  

  1. Go to the Campus Life Office. 

On many campuses, student organizations are housed in the Office of Campus Life and Student Involvement. This office is undoubtedly an excellent resource to help you determine which club or organization is a good fit for you.  

  1. Check Your Email 

You’ll receive many activity options from your college or university. Make sure to read your email to learn about all your options for campus involvement. All students are welcome to attend these events, which are fantastic opportunities to meet new people and engage in fascinating activities. But only if you read the emails! 

College is a great time to try new things. By being open to meeting others and fully participating in college life, you will likely find new opportunities and have a more rewarding college experience. Whether you attend face-to-face or virtually, volunteer, or plan to participate in sports, community service, clubs, events, or activities — just get involved! You will surely make some of the best memories, and friends, of your college years! 

Student Ambassador, Kaniya, at a Student Life event on campus