Self Love Day 2: Homesickness remedies

woman holding lit heart

Did you know that the day before Valentine’s Day is PALentines Day? Today is the day to celebrate your friendships—both new and old. However, if you are new to campus, you might not have found your circle of friends yet. You might even be feeling homesick for surroundings that are more familiar. That’s okay! Remember, Take Stock is in your corner. We have many ways for you to get out there, meet new people, and make your college campus your new home away from home.

Join something
One of the best ways to start feeling like you belong is to join a club, organization, or team. This is a great way to meet new people, fill any empty time you have, and help give your days a feeling of structure. For a comprehensive look at how you can get involved on campus, don’t miss our top 10 ways to get involved on your campus.

Keep in touch
If you are missing your friends or your family back home, don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and call them! You might be surprised how many of your friends have felt homesick from time to time as well. You never know, you might even be
able to schedule a visit to see one another.

Redecorate your new living space
If you live in the dorm, try to make your space feel a bit homier. Take or print some pictures of your friends and family and display them on your desk or by your bed. You can also bring your comforter or pillows from your bed at home to surround your space with familiar comforts.

Get to know your campus
Students tend to feel overwhelmed on a new campus simply because it’s new. Take walks around the campus on your spare time. Visit a campus building you’ve never peeked inside, find all the good study nooks, and you might even be able to discover a new coffee cart or other hidden gem on campus. As you get comfortable with your surroundings, you will start to feel more rooted where you are.

Attend Take Stock events and club sessions
You aren’t the only Take Stock student who is looking to get connected! Come to our Take Stock sponsored events and club sessions to meet other first-generation students who came up through the Take Stock in Children program. You can also chat with your Student Ambassador, a peer mentor and fellow Take Stock college scholar on campus who can help you find your footing.

If things get too much, visit the counseling center
Everyone feels homesick sometimes, but don’t forget, if you are feeling sad, anxious, or distressed your campus has professional help available. To find out more about the mental health services on your campus, visit your student services offices or reach out to your College Completion Coach today.

College is a fun and exciting chapter in life, but it can take some time to get your footing. Trying new things is going to be the key to unlocking all there is to discover in your college experience. Get out there, meet new people, and learn all there is to explore!

Happy PALentines Day, Take Stock Nation! Remember, you always have a friend at Take Stock. Share the PALentine’s Day love with us on!

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