
This time of year, Take Stock in College would like to take some time to reflect on how thankful we are for everyone that makes our program such a success.

We are grateful for our post-secondary partners from Florida’s 40 public colleges and universities for their tireless support of our Take Stock college scholars. By collaborating closely with college and university personnel, we can ensure our Take Stock college scholars are connecting with the necessary resources that can help them on their path to degree attainment.

Most of all, we are for thankful for the wonderful Take Stock college scholars we serve. Your College Completion Coaches Autumn, Allison, Simona, and Ashley love waking up every day ready to help our Take Stock students succeed in College, Career, and Life.  Working with this AMAZING group of students is our greatest honor.

Thank you for sharing your stories with us, attending our events, participating in our Take Stock in College communities at every public college and university in Florida, and for creating such a fun, welcoming environment on our online networking platform: Take Stock Connect.

Take Stock in College wishes each and every one of you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!

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